In the latest instalment of Screen’s Cannes Close-Up interview series, Daphné Lora, head of Film France by CNC, details five reasons for international productions to shoot in France and gives her tips for Cannes newcomers.

Lora, whose mission at Film France is to help promote France as a filming location, said the country’s VFX studios, natural locations, highly skilled crew and generous tax credit have made the territory attractive to international producers.

“You can get 30%, up to 40% if you do intensive VFX work and spend €2m on the effects,” explains Lora.

Film France supported competition title The Substance, which was produced by Working Title Films and Universal and shot entirely in France. “2023 was a good year, we welcomed 89 international productions in France,” according to Lora, who added that discussions to bring The Substance, to France took place at a previous edition of Cannes.

Watch the full interview above.

Cannes Close-Up sees leading figures from the international film industry give their inside insight into their careers and navigating the Cannes Film Festival, with interviews set to run throughout the event.

This edition of Cannes Close-Up is sponsored by Film France by CNC.