The storms and high water that have flooded Venice's St.Marks square this week appear to also be sweeping across to the Lido.

In aninterview with Italian daily Il Corriere della Sera, Biennale presidentDavide Croff responded to Marco Mueller's recent complaints about theBiennale's organisation by declaring that although he 'very happy'with the artistic director, Mueller must learn to respect the Biennale's rules.

Two weeksago, Mueller blamed the organisational chaos that beset the last Venice filmfestival on 'the structure of the festival' and warned the Biennalethat he needed to have full control over the next event, or he would be betteroff being a full time producer again. (see, October 29).

However,Croff said that as the head of the Biennale's cinema section, Mueller must'learn to accept the house rules.'

'Likeever other section director of the Biennale, Mueller is part of a team whichalready exists. It is unthinkable for him to imagine that he can form his ownteam. If there are difficulties, we will have to overcome them through dialogueand compromise. There is absolutely no antagonism between him and myself, butmy job is to remind him of the regulations,' Croff told Il Corrieredella Sera.

Croff also disputed Mueller's claim that there were fewerfilms in the last festival than in previous editions.

'Hisinitial task was to introduce a more 'streamlined' event. But there weresignificantly more films this year than in previous years, while theinfrastructure remained the same,' Croff said.

Nevertheless,Croff is optimistic that any problems can be resolved ahead of the next editionof the festival.

'Ithink that many of the organisational problems we had at the last festivalwon't exist any more. Our objective is very clear. We want the Mostra to returnto its past glory, with its glamour and international prestige, but also withits ability to attract people to Venice, the extraordinary city that hosts theevent.'