For the first time individual meetings can be scheduled between producers and book representatives.

Ten novels will be presented during the moderated pitching event Breakfast & Books at this year’s Berlin co-production market.

During a breakfast after the pitching event, producers will be able to talk with the rights holders representing the selected novels.

Books at Berlinale, with its integrated Breakfast & Books event, has been organised in cooperation with the Frankfurt Book Fair since 2006.

List of titles, writer, agent/publisher, country:

Small Change for Stuart by Lissa Evans, AP Watt, UK

The Mall by S.L. Grey, Blake Friedmann Literary Agency, UK [pictured]

De Bewaker (The Guard) by Peter Terrin, De Arbeiderspers, Netherlands

Mi Nombre Es Victoria (My Name Is Victoria) by Victoria Donda, Editions Robert Laffont, France

Heldensommer (Summer Of Heroes) by Andi Rogenhagen, Literarische Agentur Kossack, Germany

Lo Verdadero Es Un Momento De Lo Falso(The True Is A Moment Of The False) by Lucía Etxeberria, Literarische Agentur Mertin, Germany

Non Ci Sono Pesci Rossi Nelle Pozzanghere (Goldfish Don’t Live In Puddles) by Marco Truzzi, Nabu International Literary Agency, Italy

Rossmore Avenue by Vanessa Caffin, Place des Editeurs (Belfond), France

Nenäpäivä (Red Nose Day) by Mikko Rimminen, Stilton Literary Agency, Finland

Andernorts (Elsewhere)by Doron Rabinovici, Suhrkamp Verlag, Germany
