The 23rd Fete du Cinema wrapped Tuesday night in France to tie last year's results with 2.8m tickets sold. The reduced-price ticket scheme, organized by the National Cinema Federation (FNCF), offers free entry to all films over three days after a one-time $2.70 (Euros 2) ticket purchase.

Tuesday's figures jumped 13% compared to last year while Sunday and Monday were slightly down. The FNCF notes that although there were several big Hollywood films on offer, the public was disappointed by the lack of diversity with few French films on the country's screens.

Films which saw the best performance over the three-day period included DreamWorks' Shrek The Third, Warner Bros' Ocean's Thirteen, Disney's Pirates Of The Caribbean 3, horror sequel The Hills Have Eyes 2, Jean Becker's Dialogue Avec Mon Jardinier and Quentin Tarantino's Death Proof.