Veritas Broadcast, which wasestablished in 2003, has refurbished its facilities based in Newcastle and is launching its new £1m post-production andgraphics suite.

The company said it wantedto encourage film-makers to work more from the North East, not just in London.

The new facilities includetwo Final Cut Pro edit suites, a Quantel QEdit pro high-end suite, and StudioMac 3D Graphics, with a shared area network incorporating five terabytes ofstorage. The suites can be used by film, TV, advertising, animation orcorporate projects.

"Our aim in opening the suite to outsidecompanies is to show that you don't need to be in London to have access to excellentpostproduction facilities," said Tony Hazell, managing director at VeritasBroadcast. "We are thrilled to be helping in the effort to promote the NorthEast to the film industry."