New forms of digital distribution are asking questions about current business models.

Most existing companies are wrestling to a greater or lesser extent with the challenges of finding how to move to a digital arena.

But, as the Power To The Pixel conference, demonstrates, new players are entering the market with fresh ideas.

In the first of a series of videos from the summit, we look at some of those trying to change the relationship between content and audience.

Most independent films don't get a release,' says Liz Rosenthal, founder of Power To The Pixel and producer of the event which ran as part of the London Film Festival.

'Once you start thinking your story no longer has to bend to the traditional format, you can build a more substantial audience in a different way. The next generation of film-makers is very experienced at building audiences outside traditional film-making platforms.'

The New Exhibitors

Brian Newman, The Tribeca Institute

C Cay Wesnigk, Founder

Sara Pollack, YouTube

Fabio Lima, Founder, MovieMobz
