The Avignon Film Festival, which last year expanded its Franco-US axis to become truly European, closed July 1 with prizes for Spain's Pellet (El Bola), France's Stand-By and How To Kill Your Neighbour's Dog from the US.
The festival's prizes gave the winners a stock of Kodak film for future use, a beefed up marketing budget for French release, use of Panavision cameras, sub-titling and a copy of script-writing software Final Draft.
The three films which shared the prix tournage go on to be screened at Paris Cinematheque.
Les Prix Tournage 2001
Stand-By (Dir: Roch Stephanik)
El Bola (Dir: Achero Manas: Spain)
How To Kill Your Neighbor's Dog (Dir: Michael Kalesniko)
Le Prix Panavision (Short film)
Le Dernier Reve (Dir: Emmanuel Jespers: Belgium)
Lurch (Dir: Boris Hars-Tschachotin: Germany)
Special Jury prize
Microsnake (Dir: Pierre-Yves Mora, Lionel Bailliu: France)
Le Prix Vision (cinematography)
Yves Cape: Le Dernier Reve (Belgium)
Jerome Peyrebrune: Lise Et Andre (France)
Les Prix SACD (script)
Lise Et Andre (France)
Maelstrom (Canada)
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