Thereare 246 films being considered for BAFTAnominations this year.
Ina change in BAFTA policy, films were required to be entered for considerationfor the first time this year. In past years, every film released in
Filmswere entered for consideration by distributors, producers or any Academy filmvoting members. Submissions were made on-line or with a printed entry form.
"Inthe past every film that was on British screens was eligible, but now werealize that unless one person supports that film for awards, there's no pointin having it considered," David Parfitt, chair of theBAFTA Film Committee, told
"Including all films sort of muddies thewaters, it distracts people from knowing which are the films that they ought tofocus on. There's no sense in including a film unless at least one membersupports that film."
Enteredfilms must still meet the BAFTA eligibility requirements, which include theneed to be released theatrically in the
Thedeadline for entering films was November 28. BAFTA will provide details aboutall entered films and on-line voting information to BAFTA film voting memberson December 7.
First-roundvoting will start December 12 and end January 4, with second round voting fromJanuary 6-12. Nominations will be announced January 19, final voting will closeFebruary 6, and winners will be announced at the February 19 ceremony in
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