The new James Bond film, CasinoRoyale, is scheduled to shoot at the end of 2005 - although it is stilluncertain who will play 007 in the film.
With ongoing rumourscirculating throughout the media world, it can be difficult to keep tabs on thelatest information. Here, alleviates some of theconfusion by offering an up-to-date look at 007's status in the press.
April 26Dame Judi Dench has let itslip that Pierce Brosnan will be returning to the Bond role for the newfilm. Dench, who was promoting her newfilm, Ladies in Lavender, told New York Post gossip columnistCindy Adams that despite all of the rumours in the media, there will be no newBond for Casino Royale.
She said: "Despite the fact that everyone on the face of theearth has been tested as his (Brosnan's) possible replacement, he'll be doingit again, and it'll be announced come summer."
Dench has played the role ofM, James Bond's boss, for the last four Bond films.
April 18Pierce Brosnan will not bereturning to screens for the new Bond film Casino Royale.
Over the weekend, TheObserver newspaper reported that Brosnan is not one of the contenders forthe new 007 picture.
"We haven't even startedpreproduction," a spokesperson told The Observer. "There is no JamesBond yet cast. All we can confirm is that it definitely will not be PierceBrosnan, the film will be called Casino Royale, it is being written byNeal Purvis and Robert Wade and it will be directed by Martin Campbell. If youwant anything more, ring back in a couple of months."
A spokesperson for producersEon Productions later confirmed to that Brosnan will notbe playing Bond.
April 6The Sun newspaper says that Roadto Perdition and Layer Cake star Daniel Craig had been asked to takeover from Pierce Brosnan as the spy in three films.
April 5:
Reports of Pierce Brosnanreturning for the role are floating around the internet. Despite the actorpreviously saying he will not play 007 again, sites such as Darkhorizons.cominsist that Sony bosses are eager for him to star in one more film. There isspeculation that Brosnan and Bond production outfit Eon are simply involved inhard negotiations or a 'poker game', similar to the one played out regularlybetween Cubby Broccoli and Roger Moore - who frequently announced he wouldn'treturn as Bond. Sony is said to be keen for Brosnan to return, as thecompany is not willing to take a chance with a new actor.
April 3:
The UK's Sunday Expressand the Sunday Star report that "inside sources" reveal that Eon andSony have reached an agreement for Clive Owen to be the next James Bond.The Express runs a picture of Owen with the roulette wheel from Croupierwhile the Star shows Owen wearing a tuxedo and smoking.
The Italian media runssimilar stories suggesting Clive Owen as the next Bond.
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