Japan's Dentsu, Ten Carat and Scale have produced a ground-breaking internet movie starring Rena Tanaka, a supermodel who swept domestic newcomer prizes for her screen debut in the 1998 drama Give It Your All.
Titled Suki, the three-part omnibus will premiere on the click-cinema web-site (http://www.click-cinema.net), whose backers include NTT Communications.
To access the film visitors must first download Windows Media Player, QuickTime Player or Real Player and pay Y200 ($1.85) using their credit cards. The film's three episodes, which feature Tanaka encountering offbeat adventures as a cram school student, school teacher and noodle shop worker, are directed by Masahiko Nagasawa, Masayoshi Sukida and Masahiro Honda, respectively.
Tanaka, who might be described as Japan's answer to Britney Spears, is the first star of her magnitude to appear in a streaming video for internet release. To publicise Suki, she will appear in a live chat event on the site on November 24.
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