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The board of Eurimages has decided tosupport 12 features in its latest funding round, marking a total amount of =$5.4m(Euros 4.2m).

The coproductoins supported are:<=/o:p>

35Rhums, dir. Claire Denis (Fran=ce,Germany, Belgium)
Capri1934, dir. Benoit Jacquot (Fra=nce, Germany)
Elsa, dir. Silvio Soldini (Italy, Switzerland)
Fureinen Augenblick, Freiheit, di=r. ArashT. Riahi (Austria, France, Turkey) -
DerGekopfte Hahn, dirs. Radu Gabr=ea& Marjan David Vajda (Germany, Romania, Austria, Hungary, France, Be=lgium,Luxembourg)
MikroEglima, dir. Christos Georgiou(Germany, Cyprus)
Mutuluk, dir Abdullah Oguz (Turkey, Greece)
TheOrdinary People, dir VladimirPerisic (France, Serbia, Switzerland)
Saturnocontro, dir. Ferzan Ozpetek (I=taly,France, Turkey)
Teah, dir. Hanna A W Slak (Slovenia, Poland, Croatia=)
TheVisitor, dir. Jukka-Pekka Valk=eapaa (Finland,Germany, Estonia, United Kingdom)

Eurimages also supports distributors w=orkingwith films from outside their country of origin. In this area, the latest r=oundof funding will support 31 distributors on specific film releases.

Also,the Eurimages Cinema Support scheme added eight cinemas: Multipleks Kozara and Unitic from Bosnia andHerzegovina, Libertatea from Romania, Cinema Zrenjanin, Multimedijalni cent=arMRKvart and Dvorana Kulturnog Centra from Serbia, Cinebonus and Cinema Hayalfrom Turkey.

The Council of Europe's film sup=portfund's board of management met from June 25-27 in Lisbon. The board a=lsoannounced application deadline dates for 2007, which will be January 9, Mar=ch5, May 4, August 27 and Octob=er 22.