Writer/directorGriffin's feature debut took its inspiration from Robert Altman'sNashville and casts a jaundiced eye over the agonyand the ecstasy of theannual arts Festival in Edinburgh.
GabyDellal's On A Clear Day starringPeter Mullan has received three nominations including best film. Mullan himself is a surprise omission in the best actorcategory where Festival's Chris O'Dowd and Stephen Mangan have been selected as the only two nominees.
RichardJobson's soulful love story A Woman In Winter is the final best film contender and Jobson has also beennominated as best director.
Othernotable nominees including Shirley Henderson as best actress forher performance in Frozen.
Thewinners will be announced at a ceremony in Glasgow on November 13.
Fulllist of Film Award nominees
BestShort Film
Dupe (Directed by Chris Waitt, Produced by Henry Trotter. Yummo Productions)
Cotopaxi(Directed by Zack Copping, Produced by Amber Parsons.GMAC)
VagabondShoes (Directed by Jackie Oudney, Produced by Winnie Li& Maddy
Easton.Ugly Duckling Films)
ABus Ride And Flowers In Her Hair (Directed by AsafAgranat, Produced by
DonaldHolwill. Edinburgh College of Art)
CannonMan (Directed by Douglas Neilson, Produced by StephenAnderson.
KelpieFilms, Glasgow)
TheTrue Story of Sawney Beane (Directed by Elizabeth Hobbs,Produced by
KatjaAnderson & Michael Fukushima. Red Kite Animation, Edinburgh)
Festival - Annie Griffin
NightPeople - Adrian Mead & Jack Dickson (Produced by Clare
Kerr.Mead Kerr Productions, New Found Films: SMG Television/Scottish
OnA Clear Day - Alex Rose
Festival - Annie Griffin
OnA Clear Day- Gaby Dellal
AWoman in Winter - Richard Jobson
BestActor in a Scottish Film
Festival - Chris O'Dowd
Festival - Stephen Mangan
BestActress in a Scottish Film
Frozen - Shirley Henderson(Directed by Juliet McKoen, Produced by Mark
Lavender.RS Productions/Guerilla Film Distribution)
Festival - Daniela Nardini
Festival (Directed by Annie Griffin, Produced by Chris Young. Young Pirate
Films,Pathe Film Distribution)
OnA Clear Day (Directed by Gaby Dellal, Produced bySarah Curtis & Dorothy
Berwin.Forthcoming/InFilm Productions, Icon Film Distribution)
AWoman in Winter (Directed by Richard Jobson, Produced byChris Atkins,
RichardJobson & Hamish McAlpine, Vestry Films/Tartan Film Distribution)
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