Film Finance Corporation
Estherwill be the debut for Cathy Randall but StormWarning is from Jamie Blanks, who jumped from a graduation film to
The Storm Warning scriptis set in a mangrove swamp by veteran writer Everett de Roche, whose creditsrange from Razorback in the early1980s to Visitors a couple of yearsago.
The producers are Gary Hamilton - his company Darclight International is also handling sales -- and PeteFord, and Ann Darrouzet is co-producing. Two of theexecutive producers - Martin Fabinyi and Michael Gudinsky -- reflect the fact that Darclight(Arclight's genre division) will release the filmlocally in conjunction with Mushroom Pictures.
Hey, Hey, It'sEsther Blueburger is only thesecond feature to be financed by producer Miriam Stein but both features havebeen announced this year -- the privately financed Monkey Puzzle will also shoot in 2006.
The executive producer is Heather Ogilvie,BVI will release it locally and Lightning Entertainment will handleinternational sales.
Financed through marketplace door of the FFC
Storm Warning
StormWarning Productions Pty Ltd
Executive Producers Greg Sitch, Martin Fabinyi,Michael Gudinski, Mark Pennell
Producers GaryHamilton, Pete Ford
Co-Producer Ann Darrouzet
DirectorJamie Blanks
WriterEverette De Roche
Sales & Distribution DarclightInternational, Darclight/Mushroom Pictures
Synopsis On a boating trip metalsculptor Pia and lawyer husband Rob become lost whenthe engine of their Zodiac fails and they drift off course into a mangroveswamp.
Hey,Hey, It's Esther Blueburger
Tama Films Pty Ltd
Executive producer Heather Ogilvie
Producer MiriamStein
Director/Writer Cathy Randall
Sales and Distribution
Synopsis A quirky coming-of-age teencomedy that explores what it's really like to be an outsider in your own world.
Letter of Intent from the FFC
Stewart& Wall Entertainment
ProducersPenny Wall, Richard Stewart
DirectorJon Hewitt
WritersShayne Armstrong, Shane Krause, Jon Hewitt
Sales and Distribution Intandem
Synopsis Adramatic thriller about the abused turning the tableson their abusers - and the tables eventually turning back.
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