Senior figures from theworlds of film and television are set to gather in London on 10 May for a 'NextSteps' brainstorm to look at action needed to tackle the barriers currentlyfaced by Minority Ethnic Led (MEL) independent companies.
This follows up a recentreport carried out on behalf of the UK Film Council and PACT by the Instituteof Employment Studies entitled Researchingthe Independent Production Sector: A Focus on Minority Ethnic Led Companies. It uncovered evidence that independent MELfilm and television production companies experience particular barriers tosuccess in the industry.
The meeting hosted by the UKFilm Council and Pact will take place at the Royal Institute of Public Healthon 10 May and will look at how best to take forward the report'srecommendations.
Some 50 senior executivesfrom the worlds of film and television including heads of broadcasters,commissioners, fund holders and other practitioners as well as representativesfrom Ofcom will be participating in the discussion. These include ElaineBedell, head of independent commissioning at the BBC; Dan Chambers, director ofprogrammes at Five; David Thompson, head of film and single drama at the BBC;and Peter Dale, head of More 4.
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