EXCLUSIVE: Vietnam Media is debuting two recent Lunar New Year hits at Filmart.

Bitcoin Heist

Billed as the world’s first action film about bitcoin, Hollow director Ham Tran’s latest film Bitcoin Heist is a tech-based thriller with an Ocean’s 11 twist. The cast includes Suboi, Kate Nhung, Thanh Pham, and Petey Majik Nguyen.

The Last Egg, directed by Nam Cito and Bao Nhan, is a romantic comedy about a woman who learns she has only two months left to have a child. But first she has to find a man.

Both films scored well at the box office, with Bitcoin Heist pulling in more than $700,000 and The Last Egg topping$500,000 in their first weekends in Vietnam.

Other new titles from Vietnam Media include Tam Cam, Maica and Victoria, all of which are in production.