France's culture ministerRenaud Donnedieu de Vabres doesn't want his country "to cut itself off" byrefusing certain countries access to subsidies.
He has recently commissionedIsabelle Lemesle, via CNC president Catherine Colonna, to come up with a plan foropening France's subsidy system to non-European companies.
The issue arose following acourt decision that Jean-Pierre Jeunet's A Very Long Engagement didnot qualify for subsidies as it was produced by a company considered to be runby Warner Bros in the US. This was despite the 100% French pedigree of thefilm.
Donnedieu de Vabres calledthe decision "aberrant" and said that as long as specific criteria were set upthe plan will go ahead. He pointed out that it would be contrary to aidingemployment if he were to try to close off the system.
Although a large part of theindustry is against the measures, the culture minister said he thoughtattitudes were calming. "We are not threatening cultural diversity and won'topen the system without intelligence. My stance has been caricatured but I havemet with everyone now."
Discussions have beenongoing between the industry andinternet service providers to examine different ways to work together in thebattle against piracy. Donnedieu de Vabres said that a proposed accord shouldbe in place by September.
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