Ten student film-makerfinalists from around the world have been selected for the upcoming HatchAudiovisual Arts Festival, HATCHfest, which will run Oct 3 to 8 in Bozeman,Montana. The festival, whose mission is to provide mentorship, education,inspiration and recognition, honours the young film-makers who are dubbed"Groundbreakers" with various awards for best director, cinematography, editingand score.

The Groundbreakers must allbe current film students or graduates of no longer than two years in order toqualify.

They are: Still Life by Tahnee McGuire from Brisbane, Australia, PopFoul by Moon Molson from New York, Paperboatby Daphne Lambrinou from LosAngeles, Solnishka by Ruth Litanfrom Jerusalem, Israel, Love Proof byMaia Horniak from Sydney, Australia, Inspector X And The Eternal City by Yew Meng from Singapore, Eugene by Sarah Hoopes from Rhode Island, Adios, ParaSiempre by David Barba from MexicoCity, The Ballad Of The Purple Clam from Rochester, and Dancing Ground by Tobin Addington from Montana.