The Iranian film Hayatby Gholamreza Ramezani will open this year's Berlinale Kinderfilmfest onFebruary 11, with the 14plus youth film competition launched a day later by InnocentVoices (Voces Inocentes) by Mexico's Luis Mandoki.
Speaking to ScreenDaily.comabout this year's line-ups, section head Thomas Hailer said that during theselection process for this year's 14plus competition "we could see thereare enough strong films aimed at this age group. They are very hard-hittingfilms and we noticed that filmmakers interested in this target groupreally like to call a spade a spade anddon't dodge the situation the world finds itself in. We have a very politicalprogramme this year, opening with Luis Mandoki's film about child soldiers inthe civil war in El Salvador and will end on the Berlinale Cinema Day with arepeat screening of Turtles Can Fly by the Kurdish-Iranian filmmakerBahman Ghobadi."
The complete list offull-length feature films are:
An Italian (Italianetz) by Andrei Krautchuk (Russia)
Bluebird by Mijke de Jong (Netherlands)
Hayat by Gholamreza Ramezani (Iran)
Little Big Mouse (Cirkeline og verdens mindeste superhelt) by JannikHastrup (Denmark)
Pelicanman (Pelikaanimies) by Liisa Helminen (Finland)
Summer Story (Sipur Kaits) by Shmuel Peleg Haimovitch (Israel)
The Color of Milk (Ikke naken) by Torun Lian (Norway/Sweden)
The Play (Bazi) by Gholamreza Ramezani (Iran)
The Thousand Year Fire (Sen-Nen-Bi) by Naoki Segi (Japan)
This Unusual Vacation (Zhe Ge Jia Qi Te Bie Chang) by Li Hong (China)
Falling Beauty (Falla Vackert) by Lena Hanno Clyne (Sweden/Norway)
Fourteen Sucks (Fjorton Suger) by Filippa Freijd, Martin Jern, HenrikNorrthon and Emil Larsso (Sweden)
Hana & Alice by Shunji Iwai (Japan)
Innocent Voices (Voces Inocentes) by Luis Mandoki (Mexico)
My Summer Of Love by Pawel Pawlikowski (UK)
Popular Music (Popularmusik fran Vittula) by Reza Bagher(Sweden/Finland)
Saimir (Saimir) by Francesco Munzi (Italy)
The Mighty Celt by Pearse Elliott (UK/Ireland)
Turtles Can Fly (Lakposhtha hâm parvaz mikonand) by Bahman Ghobadi(Iran/Iraq)
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