Dustin Hoffman has joinedthe cast of Marc Forster's upcoming comedy Stranger Than Fiction, which will also star Will Ferrell, MaggieGyllenhaal, Emma Thompson and Queen Latifah.
Written by Zach Helm, StrangerThan Fiction centres on a taxauditor who hears an inner voice that foretells his death. Hoffman will playProfessor Jules Hilbert, who helps the auditor find the source of the voice andchange his fate.
Principal photography isscheduled to begin in April on the Mandate Pictures and Three Strange Angelsco-production. Mandate is handling worldwide distribution. Lindsay Doran servesas producer.
Endeavor's Rob McEntegartnegotiated the Hoffman deal on behalf of Mandate.
Hoffman can next be seenplaying the role of Meyer Lansky in Lions Gate's Cuba-set drama The LostCity, directed by Andy Garcia.
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