High Point Films continues its AFM sales with IFC Festival Direct taking North American rights to chiller Left Bank.

The deal was struck with High Point's director of sales Elisar Cabrera and IFC manager of acquisitions Jeff Deutchman.

Left Bank is the feature debut of Belgian director Pieter van Hees, part of a planned loose trilogy.

Eline Kuppens stars as an introverted young woman who moves into a run-down apartment and investigates the mysterious disappearance of the past tenant.

Left Bank premiered at Edinburgh in June and has since played in Sitges, Leeds, the Gotham Film Festival and Austin Fantastic Film Festival.

Festival Direct is IFC's VOD platform which has previously handled releases including Jar City, It's A Free World and Puffball.

'Left Bank's enigmatic, unsettling plot, and wholly unexpected, surreal ending, has created a real buzz, particularly among horror film fans and festivals, and IFC has astutely picked up on this,' said High Point's Carey Fitzgerald. 'We are truly delighted to have such a professional, imaginative and dedicated company releasing for us in North America.'