Robert Jones, head of the Premiere Fund at UK film body The Film Council, Working Title's Debra Hayward and Universal Pictures' Graeme Mason are some of the names appearing at the Production Show's Movie Day on March 14.

Other industry insiders appearing at Olympia in London include Scala Productions' Nik Powell, Civilian Content's Richard Holmes, Grosvenor Park's Don Starr, Miramax Films' Teresa Moneo, FilmFour's Jim Wilson and Pathe Productions' Cameron McCracken.

Hosted by Screen International, the day will include a panel discussion on new financial sources - from the City to sale and leaseback to the Lottery. Another session see producers invited to come onto the stage and pitch their idea to a panel of top acquisitions and development execs.

Kicking off the day will be a masterclass with a leading international filmmaker.

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