The MOU, signed on Dec 14, coverscollaboration in the construction and management of multiplexes, filmproduction and distribution, talent management and advertising.
Although the mainland
"We're planning to activelycarve out markets in
Polybona and Eastern Dragonand are both subsidiaries of the state-owned Poly Group which is involved inreal estate, defense products and technologies and the entertainment business.
Eastern Dragon is mostlyfocused on film production while Polybona is involved in both production anddistribution. Founded by former China Film distribution executive Yu Dong in1999, Polybona is one of
Polybona is also stepping upits involvement in film production and is currently co-producing Wilson Yip's$10m kung-fu action movie, Dragon TigerGate, with
MK Pictures, formerly calledMK Buffalo, was formed by a merger in 2004 between Myung Film (
With the Chinese governmentcurrently drafting new rules per foreign investment in Chinese cinemas, it isunclear as to how great a role MK Pictures might play in the establishment ofmultiplexes, but the deal is anticipated to add power to distribution of MKPictures' films within
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