Newfeature films by Claude Miller, Alain Resnais, Lone Scherfig, and Srdan Golubovic are among 14 projects awarded over $5.2m (Euros4.4m) by the Council of Europe's pan-European co-production fund Eurimages.
Thelargest amounts - $768,850 (Euros 650,000) each - were awarded to Slovak filmmaker JurajJakubisko's Bathory, which is to be co-produced by the director's Slovakand Czech-based production houses with Hungary's EurofilmStudio and the UK's Lunar Films, and to Jacques-Remy Girerd'sanimated feature Mia Et Le Migou which will be structured as a Franco-Italianco-production between Folimage-ValenceProduction/Plus One Animation and the Italian animation studio Enanimation.
The14 projects supported in Eurimages' final fundingsession for 2005 are:
Dennis P., dir: Pieter Kuijpers (Neth)
Erik Nietzsche De UngeAr, dir: Lone Scherfig(Den)
Fantom,dir: Jovan Todorovic (Serb)
Fine Pena Mai, dirs:Davide Barletti, LorenzoConte (It)
Jas Sum Od Titov Veles, dir: Teaona Strugar Mitevska (Mac)
Klopka,dir: Srdan Golubovic (Serb)
Mia et le Migou,dir: Jacques-Remy Girerd (Fr)
Mon Colonel, dir: Laurent Herbiet (Fr)
Petites Peurs Partages, dir: Alain Resnais(Fr)
Un Secret, dir: Claude Miller (Fr)
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