Museum and library will be hosted within the Cineteca Nacional’s National Film Archive.

Conaculta, Mexico’s National Council for Culture and the Arts, has revealed that a new film museum and digital video library will be created within the Cineteca Nacional’s National Film Archive, aimed at promoting the moving image.

The museum will consist of four exhibition rooms covering 1,512 sqm, allowing it to host three major exhbitions a year, alongside other shows, and will have exhibition areas for collections from its archives as well as contemporary work. On top of this, academic activities and children’s workshops will be programmed at the museum, which will offer free entry to visitors until Dec 31 during its opening hours of 10am-8pm, Tues-Sun.

35 viewing cabins across three floors will make up the digital video library, giving visitors greater access to the Cineteca’s video archive. A digital platform will also be created to allow the public to watch films of their choice and to access other media from the archives, including photographs, documents and posters. The library will be linked to the Digital Brain of the Image, one of the 21st Century Cultural Project initiatives promoted by the Federal Government.

Taller de Arquitectura, headed by Mauricio Rocha and Gabriela Carrillo, designed both the film museum and the digital film library.
