The Media Production Show 2018 is hosting a panel into how to create High Dynamic Range (HDR) content for Netflix.
Click here for the full Media Production Show line-up.
Netflix manager, production technologies, Chris Clarke will be joined by The Farm Group’s globally renowned senior colourist Aidan Farrell, Dublin-based Windmill Lane senior colourist Matt Branton and Molinare chief technology officer Richard Wilding.
They will share hints, tips and best practice on creating Dolby Vision HDR content for Netflix.
The session will offer producers and post houses understanding of the creative and technical impact of working in HDR, from acquisition to delivery, including how to plan for an HDR shoot; the best cameras to use; the effect of HDR on production budgets and workflows; the best time to grade HDR; and how to deliver HDR content.
Netflix is behind a significant drive to bring HDR to TV, with a growing number of Netflix originals available to viewers in 4K UHD and HDR (including Lost in Space, Jessica Jones, The Week of, Daredevil and Marco Polo, all pictured in the gallery above).
HDR images are much closer to what they are like in the real world, providing a much greater range of contrast and colour. The bright parts of the image are much brighter, giving the image more depth, and colours are more vivid and appealing.
Most new mid- to high-end TVs can display content in HDR, and recent research forecasts huge growth for HDR TVs over the next three to four years, with shipments of HDR TVs expected to reach 47.9 million by 2021. The increasing demand for HDR grading is set to accelerate accordingly.
For post-production houses wanting a slice of the action, this session lifts the lid on the set-up needed to grade in HDR and how finishing in HDR affects the grading process.
It discusses how HDR enables creatives to extend their toolset, with panellists highlighting examples of HDR content they have worked on, explaining the creative and technical processes behind achieving the end result.
Both Farrell and Branton have extensive experience grading HDR Netflix original productions, while Wilding has been at the forefront of the industry’s move to HDR at Molinare, which was one of the earliest adopters of the technology.
The ‘Creating Dolby Vision HDR Content with Netflix’ session will take place at London Olympia at 12pm on Wednesday 13 June.
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