unity of heroes i qiyi

Source: iQiyi

‘Unity Of Heroes’

WellGo USA has acquired North American rights to two titles handled internationally by China’s iQiyi – martial arts action title The Unity Of Heroes and fantasy action The Legend Of Zu.

The Unity Of Heroes, produced by and starring Vincent Zhao, also went to Singapore, Malaysia and Brunei (Clover Films), Hong Kong and Macau (China 3D), South Korea (My Way Films) and India (Ultra).

Directed Lin Zhen-zhao, the film is backed by Beijing Tmeng Network Technology and also stars Wei Ni and Michael Tong. Zhao is best known for his role in the Once Upon A Time In China series.

Produced by Hengye Pictures, The Legend Of Zu has also been sold to South Korea (Poonkyung Sori) and India (Ultra).

iQiyi is also launching sales on two in-house productions – Welcome To Beartown, which is a Chinese-language remake of Thai blockbuster ATM, and big-budget animated feature Spycies, co-produced by France’s Lux Populi VFX and Lux Populi Production.

Read more: Rebellion, protests and A-list directors: 50 years of Cannes Directors’ Fortnight

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