Maciej Karpiński, deputy director and head of international relations at the Polish Film Institute, has joined the European Film Promotion’s (EFP) board of directors.

He was elected by the EFP members following the departure of Pilar Torre, who had been a member of the board since 2005.

Board members also include Éva Vezér (Magyar Filmunió, Hungary), Claudia Landsberger (Holland Film), Christian Dorsch (German Films), Simon Perry (Irish Film Board), Christian Juhl Lemche (Danish Film Institute) and Jaana Puskala (Finnish Film Foundation).

EFP, which was set up in 1997 to market and promote European cinema, has seen its membership increase from 10 to 30 organisations from 31 countries over the past 12 years. EFP is financially supported by the Media Programme of the European Union.