Headinginto the AFM, French outfit Rezo Films has drummed up an impressive list ofsales on its Russian action picture Countdown.
LucBesson's EuropaCorp. has bought the film for France for a 2006 release.Originally distributed by Gemini in Russia, the film has also sold to Japan'sAvex Entertainment, Brazil's Conquest Films, Hong Kong's Intercontinental, LineTree in South Korea, Canada's Remstar, Germany's EMS, Tang Media in China andHome Made in Italy among several others.
Rezois looking to complete deals on the remaining territories at the AFM.
Countdown was produced by Sergeui Gribkov at Top Line and YuriSagaidac at SP Studio. Evgeni Lavraentiev directed the film, the country'sfirst ever action picture, on a $13m budget.
Countdown focuses on the Russian Special Forces who, with thehelp of their American allies, fight terrorists who take over the MoscowCircus. John Amos, Louise Lombard and Alexsey Makarov star.
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