Horrorsequel The Ring Two hung on to the lead on the international table atthe weekend. A number one $3m launch in Italy led the way among the eight newterritories which received it, which also included Russia with $1.8m.
Frenchcomedy Brice De Nice was the best new opener taking the fourth place.Leading the French table, the film sold 1.1 million tickets in its first weekfor TFM Distribution (see separate French box office story). It also played inBelgium through Victory and Switzerland through Pathe.
BVI'sfamily comedy The Pacifier, starring Vin Diesel, opened in pole positionin Spain where 267,600 admissions translated to $1.75m (Euro 1.4m). The filmnear doubled its screens in Australia in its third weekend to take the topspot. It saw a 64% week-on-week hike and grossed $1.1m (A$1.5m) over theweekend. The film also opened at the top in Belgium with $0.59m (Euro 0.46m).
UIP'sSahara made its international debut day-and-date with North America ledby number one launches in the UK ($2.7m) and Australia ($1.2m) for UIP, whichhandles only a handful of international territories.
Thelatest in the popular Japanese Detective Conan series blasted into thechart at home for Toho and made the international table at 12.
GuessWho also made its international debut placing fourth inAustralia - its only territory to date - for Fox. The film stars Bernie Mac andAshton Kutcher in a role reversal remake of Sidney Poitier/Spencer Tracyclassic Guess Who's Coming To Dinner.
SeeGlobal Box Office for Screen's international chart, compiled by Leonard Klady.
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