The Sundance Institute and Cinereach today [27] announced the 2010 projects that have been awarded grants for development, production, or post-production as part of the partners’ $1.5m three-year initiative The Cinereach Project at Sundance Institute.

The initiative is designed to support documentary and narrative feature projects with themes that evoke global cultural exchange and social impact, and projects representing emerging and innovative voices selected for their distinctive and personal storytelling.

In addition to grants, The Cinereach Project at Sundance Institute includes core artist support activity at the Sundance Screenwriters Lab, Directors Lab, Documentary Edit & Story Lab, Composers & Documentary Lab, the Creative Producing Feature and Documentary Labs, and the Sundance Film Festival.

Projects recently selected as Sundance Institute Cinereach grantees through the Sundance Institute Feature Film Program include:

Post Production Granting: Yelling To The Sky and Here.

Production Granting: On The Ice.

Development Granting: Postcards From The Zoo and The Ruined Cast.

Projects recently selected as Sundance Institute Cinereach grantees through the Sundance Institute Documentary Film Program include:

Development Granting: The Arizona Project (Working Title), Untitled Margaret Brown Oil Spill Documentaryand Untitled Documentary by Lauren Greenfield.

Projects previously selected and announced as Sundance Institute Cinereach grantees through the Sundance Institute Documentary Film Program in December 2009 included 25 To Life, The Fire This Time and Gasland.