London-based Swipe Filmswill handle world sales on Mike Figgis' feature documentary COMA.
The film follows Figgis anda group of aspiring film-makers - the COMA group - as they attempt to make afeature film from scratch in seven days with some unexpected consequences. Thefilm will have its market premiere at Cannes on May 12.
'It was a realchallenge to try and make a film in a week with 20 extremely talentedfilm-makers from all over Europe - none of whom knew each other," said Figgis."At times it got a bit crazy but the energy level was extraordinary. The resultis something unique, I think, and extends ideas that came up in Timecodeand Hotel.'
Frank Mannion, managingdirector of Swipe Films, said: 'I am thrilled to be working with MikeFiggis and the COMA group. As there is a scarcity of documentaries in officialselection at Cannes, I think international distributors will be looking to themarket more than ever this year for break-out titles. Hopefully COMA will beone of those."
At Cannes, Swipe will alsobe selling world rights on Gypo, from writer-director Jan Dunn. Billedas the UK's first Dogme film, Gypo follows the disintegration of anordinary family after their teenage daughter befriends a refugee girl. It starsPaul McGann, Pauline McLynn, Rula Lenska and newcomers Chloe Sirene and TamzinDunstone.
Thefilm will have its world premiere in the market at the Cannes Film Festival onMay 11.
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