The Institute has selected 10 emerging filmmakers to receive a total of $150,000 in grants towards their projects after receiving 630 submissions from more than 40 countries.

The selections for this year capture complexities such as the evolution of love and marriage and powerful moments in history. The selections are:

I Wuv You, dir Alma Har’el;

The Lovers And The Despot, dir Ross Adam and Robert Cannan;

Teatro, dir Jeff Malmberg;

112 Weddings, dir Doug Block;

The Manor, dir Shawney Cohen;

The Race, dir Daniel Gordon;

All Of Me, dir Alexandra Lescaze;

Cutie And The Boxer, dir Zachary Heinzerling;

Homegoings, dir Christine Turner; and

Our Nixon, dir Penny Lane and Brian Frye.

“The 2012 selections highlight the ingenuity of filmmakers and the power of character-driven stories which are an essential contribution to our cultural conversation,” director of documentary programming Ryan Harrington said.

“We are delighted to be among the first institutional supporters of many of these projects, and hope that in helping to fund the development and completion of such work, we will continue to drive industry recognition and increase opportunities for the often-overlooked genre of character-driven film.”