The UK Film Council haswelcomed the Government's Green Paper on the review of the BBC's Royal Charter,which urges the BBC to show British films to wider audiences.
The paper, an outline of pointsfor consultation before a more concrete set of proposals is published in aWhite Paper later this year, calls for the public broadcaster to establish afilm investment strategy. Last year's all-party select committee review of theBBC, which fed into this week's paper, also called for the BBC to boost its commitmentto home-grown film.
"The BBC should accept theSelect Committee recommendation to put together a film investment strategy toensure that the best UK films are shown to a wider television audience," theGreen Paper stated.
John Woodward, the UK FilmCouncil's chief executive, said: "This is a real step forward - the Green Paperunderlines for the first time the importance of the BBC having a proper filminvestment strategy to champion British films. The [Department forCulture, Media & Sport] is now joining up broadcasting and film policy in away that's never been done before."
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