Buena Vista International's Calendar Girls saw a stunning platform debut at the weekend in an exclusive run at London's Odeon Leicester Square. The cinema boasts the biggest auditorium in the country, able to seat nearly 2,000 people, and brought in $117,512 (£74,150) since the film's launch on Wednesday September 3. Calendar Girls goes wide on 500 prints next weekend.

In Ireland local hit Intermission claimed the top spot from American Pie: The Wedding after jumping 31% in its second weekend. Also distributed by BVI the film lauched on Nov 21 in the UK.

Another Irish production, Goldfish Memory, opened for Eclipse in Ireland at just seven screens and placed 13th in Irish chart with $19,649 (Euro 17,822).

French-Canadian-Belgian co-production Belleville Rendez-Vous expanded from three to 59 sites and jumped 492% in its second weekend for Tartan Films. The critically lauded film from Sylvain Chomet placed second in London's West End and took $9,120 (Euro 8,272) from its opening weekend at just two screens in the Republic of Ireland. The success also bodes well for Optimum Releasing's release of Hayao Miyazaki's Oscar-winning Japanese animation, Spirited Away, next weekend.