WarpFilms, the film division of music label Warp Records, has launched adistribution arm.
The distribution label will be DVD driven, although it aims for mostfilms to have a theatrical life. Mixing in-house films and acquisitions, itwill sub-distribute to companies in other European markets as its sistercompany does with music.
Warp's Luke Morris said that the company's ability to release in othermarkets, using its music model, should make it more attractive to filmmakers.The first films to go through the venture are video director Chris Cunningham'sshort Rubber Johnny and a double bill of US documentaries ParadiseLost 1 and 2.
Warp'sdistribution arm will focus on independent cult and classic films and willspawn an online distribution site in May.
Theartist-driven company will continue working with third-party distributors suchas the UK's Optimum Releasing, which released Shane Meadows' Dead Man'sShoes, on its own productions. In development are films from Meadows, LynneRamsay and Cunningham.
"We'renot geared up for Shane Meadows' next film to go through this system," saidMorris. "We're taking it one step at a time."
Alongwith Morris, who joined the company last year after working as Robert Jones'production executive at the UK Film Council, the film arm is run by productionhead Mark Herbert and Warp Records co-founder Steve Beckett.
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