Belgium'sJan Vandierendonck is set to take over from Renate Roginas as ExecutiveSecretary for the Council of Europe's pan-European co-production fund Eurimagesfrom the beginning of January.
Vandierendonckis currently the Director of International Relations and European Affairs atthe Flemish Audiovisual Fund.
Duringhis career in the film industry, which began in the mid-1980s, he has worked asa festival director, distributor, writer, director and producer and served aschairman of the Belgian Directors Guild.
Inaddition, he was the Vice-President of Eurimages from July 2004 to July 2005.Most recently, Vandierendonck was one of jury members for the Altadis NewDirectors Award at this year's San Sebastian International Film Festival.
Roginashad held the Executive Secretary post at Eurimages in Strasbourg since January2001.
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