The Women In Film Foundation’s Film Finishing Fund co-chairs Betsy Pollock and Nancy Rae Stone announced the recipients of the 25th annual fund.

Organisers received more than 140 grant applications from 11 countries including the US, Australia, England, New Zealand, Spain, Finland and the Philippines.

For the first time the Film Finishing Fund awarded grants to three narrative features as well as three feature documentaries.

The narrative winners are: Karin Chien’s Circumstance, Susan Youssef’s Habibi Rasak Kharban and Frances Lausell’s America

Documentary winners are: Lisa Gossels‘s My So-Called Enemy, Yoav Potash’s Crime After Crime and Nisha Ligon’s Twiga Stars: Tanzania’s Soccer Sisters. Melissa Dodds’ Whakatiki secured funding in the narrative short category.