If you've ever suspectedthat awards ceremonies are a load of hot air, now there is proof.

This Saturday's Orange BAFTAceremony will produce almost 50 tonnes of carbon dioxide accordingto climate change company Future Forests. Its calculations are based on theamount of energy, travel and waste used to put on the event - all of which itsays contribute to greenhouse gas emissions that lead to global warming.

This year, however, BAFTAhas worked with Future Forests to take responsibility for the emissions and has neutralised them to achieve CarbonNeutral status - which means that it ispaying for a forest of 570 trees to be planted in Scotland to help absorb thecarbon dioxide waste.

Fittingly, this year s BAFTAceremony will be attended by The Aviator star Leonardo DiCaprio, who hasjust become the first US citizen to be officially declared CarbonNeutral.Future Forests has calculated the amount greenhouse gasses he produces throughenergy consumption - 15 tonnes of carbon dioxide a year - and Di Caprio ispaying for this to be offset through environmental schemes such as treeplanting.

Other film industrycelebrities who have offset their personal carbon dioxide emissions includeOrlando Bloom, Elijah Wood and Brad Pitt. Working Title's Eric Fellner has alsotaken the UK production company CarbonNeutral.

Director Roland Emmerichsigned up with Future Forests when shooting environmental disaster feature The Day After Tomorrow - he paidpersonally to neutralise around 10,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide produced inthe making of the film.

Future Forests, which wasfounded by Dan Morrell, originally started working with the music industry -the world s first CarbonNeutral citizen was the late Joe Strummer, front man ofThe Clash. It has since expanded to work with large corporations such as HSBC,Volvo and Barclays Bank and is increasingly targeting the film industry.

Morell says that he expectsthat another five big budget features will be shot in a CarbonNeutral fashionthis year. Future Forests assesses all of the energy used in a film shoot from set design and make-up through to transport and calculates that theaverage film needs to spend roughly one eighth of its below the line budget tohelp offset emissions.

The money is not necessarilyspent on tree planting. Schemes to date include financing the installation oflow energy light bulbs in the Caribbean.