Olsberg SPI, the Sweden Film Commission and the Association of Film Commissions International (AFCI) are planning a conference during the Berlinale about the opportunities and challenges facing film commissions.

The event will run Feb 12 from 2-4 pm at the Relexa Hotel.

Topics to be addressed will include: How do film commissions convince governments that the film industry delivers great value for money in the face of continued economic blight and massive competition for funding? What are the smart ways that film commissions can efficiently deliver these benefits despite pressure on budgets from stakeholders and increasing demands from clients?

Speakers on the day will include George David from the The Royal Film Commission Jordan; Ingrid Rudefors [pictured] of the Stockholm Film Commission; Ludmila Claussova from the Czech Film Commission; Pat Kaufman from the New York State Film Commission, Ake Lundstrom of Filmregion Malardalen-Stockholm; David Shepheard from the Abu Dhabi Film Commission; Paulo Pereira from the Algarve Film Commission, Seville-based lawyer and consultant Adriana Piquet. Facilitators will include consultant Sue Hayes and Jonathan Olsberg of Olsberg SPI, and Laurie Lehmann from AFCI.

For more information, see the AFCI site.

