Harry Potter And ThePrison Of Azkaban grossed nearly A$14.8m from 452 screens on the weekendfor Roadshow. Even taking into account that it was a holiday weekend, afive-day period instead of the usual four, it was an extraordinary result forthe third film of the trilogy. Nothing else came close.

There were three other newcomers in the chart with UIP's Dawn Of The Dead doing best. After aweek of previews, it's A$1,259,945 gross from 151 screens allowed it to claimthe fourth spot.

Another UIP film, MeanGirls, ended up ninth after selling A$134,689 worth of tickets to 173screens on previews. Snapping at its heels is BVI's Dirty Pretty Things, which took A$132,404 from just nine screens.

Worth noting is how Dendy's fast food documentary Super Size Me dropped one notch toseventh position but increased its gross by A$150,000 after more screens wereadded and the indirect publicity generated by McDonald's campaign increased.