Becker Films Internationalhas snapped up world sales rights to the finished film Opal Dream, setin outback
The UK-Australianco-production started life on the Renaissance Films slate but was orphaned whenthe
Becker president ReikoBradley told Screendaily that the family film fits well with her "upperechelon" films: it has a name director, a quality script and strong performances.
Focus Features recentlypicked up North American rights and drove the creation of a new version for itsplanned 2006 release. Bradley will screen this at the AFM rather than theoriginal version that screened in the market at
The film is adapted from BenRice's novella Pobby And Dingan - the film's original name - and tellsof a young girl whose unshakable faith in her two imaginary friends hasprofound implications for the local townspeople. It stars Vince Colosimo andJacqueline McKenzie along with newcomers Christian Byers and Sapphire Boyce.
Lizie Gower and Nick Morrisof London-based Academy Features produced the film with Emile Sherman ofSydney-based Sherman Pictures. It was financed by BBC Films, the UK FilmCouncil and the South Australian Film Corporation.
The film will be released in
The Becker slate alsoincludes: Rag Tale, a contemporary satire starring Rupert Graves andJennifer Jason Leigh; Like Minds, a psychological thriller starring ToniCollette and Richard Roxburgh; Feed, a psychological thriller fromdirector Brett Leonard; and the Hollywood/Bollywood film Marigold.
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