The Berlinale (Feb 10-20) has named the members ofthe International Jury for its main competition films.
The jury will decide which of the 21 films set to play incompetition will win the festival's top prizes, the Golden and Silver Bears.
As previously announced, German director Roland Emmerichwill head the jury. The other members are:
- Lithuanian actress Ingeborga Dapkunaite, whose actingcredits include Burnt By The Sun and Mission Impossible. Sheappeared in 25Degrees in Winter) in last year's Berlinale Competition.
- Chinese actress Bai Ling, who has starred in Red Corner, Hollywood films such asWild Wild West, Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow and theBerlinale entry Beautiful Country.
- German actress Franka Potente, who has starred in Tom Tykwer'sRun, Lola, Run, The Bourne Identity and its sequel The BourneSupremacy.
- Wouter Barendrecht, the chief of internationaldistribution company Fortissimo Film Sales.
- Italian fashion designer Nino Cerruti, whose Cerrutilabel has designed clothes for stars such asAnita Ekberg (La Dolce Vita) and Tom Cruise (Eyes Wide Shut).
- Ukrainian screenwriter and cinematographer AndreiKurkov, whose prize-winning novel Picnic on the Ice" about changingsociety in post-Soviet Russia, was translated into 22 languages. He has alsowritten over 20 screenplays including A Friend Of The Deceased which wasnominated in 1997 for the European Film Award.
TheInternational Jury is responsible for awarding: theGolden Bear awarded to the best film; the Jury Grand Prix (Silver Bear); the Best Director prize (Silver Bear);the Best Actress prize (SilverBear); the Best Actorprize (Silver Bear); theprize for an artistic contribution (Silver Bear); the prize for the best film music (Silver Bear).
The Juryalso awards the Blue Angel Prize, awarded in tribute to Marlene Dietrich, forthe Best European Film and the Alfred Bauer Prize, awarded in memory of theFestival founder, for a work of particular innovation.
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