The Berlin International Film Festival's Panorama section has unveiled the final additions to its lineup, which now comprising 34 features, 18 documentaries and 26 short films inits main programme and Special,Dokumente and Short Film series.
The films come from 30 different countries and 28 of themwill be screened as world premieres.
The latest entries selected for the programme come fromdirectors such as Rebecca Miller (USA), Ventura Pons (Spain), Giuseppe Piccioni(Italy), Constantinos Giannaris (Greece), Park Chul-soo (South Korea), NobuhikoObayashi (Japan), Radu Mihaileanu (France), Wolfgang Murnberger (Austria),Andreas Dresen and Lars Kraume (Germany).
The Panorama main programme will open on February 10 with afilm in opera format - Redentor (Redeemer) by Brazil's Claudio Torres. The film is abouta journalist who comes poor background and for whom everything is a question ofjustice - leading him to take on a real-estate shark.
The following films have been added to the line-up. See linkbelow for other films in the line-up.
Idiot Love,Spain/Andorra by Ventura Pons
The Ballad Of Jack And Rose, USAby Rebecca Miller
The Dying Gaul, USA by CraigLucas
No Songs Of Love, Germany by LarsKraume
Mars, Russian Federation by AnnaMelikian
Green Chair, South Korea by ParkChul-soo
Hostage, Greece/Turkey byConstantinos Giannaris
The Motive, Japan by NobuhikoObayashi
Silentium, Austria by WolfgangMurnberger
Transamerica, USA by DuncanTucker
Live And Become, France/Israel byRadu Mihaileanu
The Life I Want, Italy by Giuseppe Piccioni
Willenbrock, Germany by AndreasDresen
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