US talent agencyGersh Agency has hired former Miramax Films senior vice president ofacquisitions Arianna Bocco (pictured) to head up its new Independent Feature Packagingdivision.
Based in NewYork, the division will seek to assemble financing for independent features andsell them in the global marketplace, while broadening Gersh's existing rosterof directing and producing talent with the representation of internationalfilmmakers.
"We havesteadily gained a presence in the independent film world, working with moreindie filmmakers and shepherding projects such as The Station Agent and Super Size Me to Sundance," Gersh Agency principalDavid Gersh said in a statement.
"The launch ofthis division represents an organic next step in that process. Arianna'sbackground at Miramax makes her perfect to launch our new division: she haswonderful taste in films and filmmakers, a tremendous work ethic, and a highlevel of respect within the industry."
During her threeyears at Miramax in New York, Bocco was instrumental in acquiring GardenState, The Station Agentand Tadpole, amongothers, and worked on publicity, marketing and distribution for all herprojects.
Prior to that she served forsix years as vice president of acquisitions and co-productions at New Line, andalso worked with director Jeremy Leven, The Steve Tisch Company and ICM.
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