The company is close to completing is first round of investment and is now in talks with film-makers.

A new fund that aims to provide financing for a wide range of documentaries has been unveiled in Cannes. The Documentary Company will have offices in London and Manchester and will be managed by Oscar-nominated film-maker Sheryl Crown.

White & Company, corporate advisers, said “Following a successful launch of the fund raise, we are confident that the company will have attracted sufficient investment to fund a full and varied slate of new documentary features later this year.”

Crown, a former production chief at Screen East, added: “Following the forthcoming closure of the first round of investment, our objective is to fund a number of exciting projects with award-winning documentarians, which we have already short-listed.”

The Documentary Company is currently in discussions with a number of Europe’s leading documentary production companies, including Channel 4 BritDoc, Passion Pictures and Tribute Inspirations Limited and it intends to announce the first films by June 30.