Myriad Pictures has closed a raft of sales at the AFM on AgnieszkaHolland's romance Copying Beethoven starring Ed Harris and Diane Kruger.
Rights have gone to Concordefor Germany, Notro for Spain, Gussi for Mexico and Lumiere for Benelux, as wellas Star TV for Asia and Jaguar for airlines.
As previously announced, deals have been signed with Japan'sTohokushinsha Film Co, Brazil's Videofilm Corporation, Portugal's LNK HomeEntertainment, Greece's PCV, Eastern Europe's Paradise/MGN, Iceland's Myndformand Singapore's Shaw Renters.
Currently in post-production, the story centres on the obsessiverelationship between Ludwig von Beethoven and his beautiful young copywriter ashe struggles to complete the master Symphony No.9.
LosAngeles-based Myriad's slate of titles includes Little Fish, which stars Cate Blanchett and wasrecently nominated for 13 Australian Film Institute awards, comedy ComebackSeason starring RayLiotta, and Death Defying Acts, which stars the Guy Pearce and Rachel Weisz.
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