Clay Epstein has beenpromoted to sales executive, Asia, at First Look International (FLI), where hewill be responsible for licensing Los Angeles-based FLI titles to all Asianterritories excluding Japan.
Epstein's new duties beganthis week and he reports to joint FLI co-heads, Liz Mackiewicz, the senior vicepresident of worldwide sales and distribution, and Dina Vangelisti, the seniorvice president of television sales.
Epstein joined the worldwidesales and distribution company in 2002 and rose to director of sales operationsin 2004. Prior to his employment at FLI he worked in sales at PorchlightEntertainment and Kushner-Locke.
FLI's current slateincludes: Nisha Ganatra's romantic comedy Cake, which is currently in post-production and scheduledfor a world premiere at Cannes; Jonathan English's horror story Minotaur; the fantasy sequel Dungeons And Dragons 2: TheElemental Might, which is alsoscheduled for a world premiere at Cannes; and John Simpson's thriller FreezeFrame.
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