A rejuvenated First Look International has closed major sales atAFM on Tennessee Williams' rare play Loss Of A Teardrop Diamond starring Lindsay Lohan and true-lifedrama American Crime starringCatherine Keener.
Loss Of A Teardrop Diamond sparked multiple deals after it was announced during themarket. CAA is handling the Constellation Entertainment project in NorthAmerica.
Rights have gone to Spain (Manga), Brazil (CaliforniaFilms), pan-Latin America (Quality Films), Greece and Cyprus (Village Roadshow),Portugal (Castelo Lopes), South Africa (Nu Metro), and Singapore, Malaysia,India and Sri Lanka (Multivision Multimedia).
Deals also closed in Indonesia (PT Camila), Poland (Vision),Romania (ProRom), Hungary and the Czech and Slovak Republics (GrandviewCastle), Thailand (J-Bics), Israel (Forum Films), the Middle East (Italia FilmsInternational), and Turkey (D Productions).
American Crime is currently in post-production and stars Keener and Ellen Pageand is produced by Christine Vachon's Killer Films. First Look Internationalclosed 20 deals after showing buyers 12 minutes of footage and is in talks withseveral UK distributors.
Sales closed in Spain (Filmax), Brazil (California), pan-LatinAmerica (Quality), Japan (New Select), Australia and New Zealand (MadmanEntertainment), Portugal (Castelo Lopes), Singapore, Malaysia, India, Sri Lankaand Indonesia (Multivision Multimedia), and South Africa (Nu Metro).
Further deals were signed with Poland, Romania, Hungary, and theCzech and Slovak Republics (ProRom), Greece and Cyprus (HollywoodEntertainment), the Middle East (ECS), Turkey (D Productions), Thailand(J-Bics), and Israel (Forum).
"It has been a very exciting first AFM for a reorganised andrejuvenated First Look International," First Look International chiefStuart Ford said. "It was a major coup for us to be representing such abuzz-worthy project as Teardrop.
"Meanwhile, American Crime is a brilliant example of how First Lookhas shepherded a prestige project from development into the internationaldistribution marketplace. We fully intend to repeat the success with futureprojects."
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