RisingAustralian actress Melissa George, who stars in the current North Americanremake of The Amityville Horror, has signed on to play the female lead in John Stockwell'sthriller Turistas.
2929 Productionsand Stone Village are teaming up on the project, which is due to beginprincipal photography in Brazil on May 25, and are currently in talks with JoshDuhamel to join the cast.
Turistas centres on a group of travellers whosevacation turns sour when a bus accident leaves them marooned in a remoteBrazilian town that hides an ominous secret. 2929 International will beginsales in Cannes.
ScottSteindorff, Bo Zenga, Butan and Stockwell are producing and 2929 Entertainmentco-founders Todd Wagner and Mark Cuban serve as executive producers.
Co-producers areScott LaStaiti, Dylan Russell, Andrew Molasky and 2929's Kent Kubena.
George previously appearedin Mulholland Drive and DownWith Love and will also be seen inMikael Hafstrom's upcoming thriller Derailed, which stars Clive Owen and Jennifer Aniston. Georgeis represented by Paradigm.
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