While there was littlemovement among the top six last weekend - with Ocean's Twelve holding onto the No. 1 slot for the fourth week running against Buena Vista's TheIncredibles-, the top 10 welcomed four strong performers in new entries AfterThe Sunset, Ray, House Of The Flying Daggers and Alles Auf Zucker!
X Verleih's release of DaniLevy's Jewish comedy Alles Auf Zucker! scored the weekend's highestscreen average with $ 8,572 from its 67 screens to gross $ 574,331 in the firstfour days, ahead of UIP's Ray Charles biopic Ray ($ 7,540 from 108sites) and Warner Bros.' After The Sunset ($ 5,252 from 160). ConstantinFilm, 2004's top independent distributor in Germany, started the year well witha $ 4,731 average from 156 prints for the Chinese martial arts epic House OfThe Flying Daggers.
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